Driving Risk Management Tips to Keep Your Business Protected

Driving Risk Management Tips to Keep Your Business Protected

Driving Risk Management Tips to Keep Your Business ProtectedMitigating Workplace Driving Risks

When it comes to your business, it’s important that you have the right tools to protect it. From a disaster plan to commercial insurance, you can systematically reduce your risk of damage and financial strain. If your business is always on the go and has a fleet, or even one car, commercial auto insurance is required. To help keep your company cars and drivers in great shape, minimize your risk of liability with these tips.

  • Establish the rules of the road.

From wearing a seat belt to leaving cell phones in the glovebox, it’s important that you establish some safety rules for your employees to follow. When you set a policy, your employees will be extra cautious of their behavior. What’s more, there’s no room for confusion since the employees know what’s expected of them.

  • Review driving records.

When hiring an employee to drive your company’s vehicles, it’s important that you check their driving history. Their driving record can indicate their driving behaviors, and if they’ve had several speeding tickets or a history of minor accidents, you can be sure not to hand the keys to them.

  • Create a reward system.

Create a program where good drivers are recognized and rewarded, whether it’s a day off, a bonus, or a cup of coffee. When employees get positive feedback, they may be more incentivized to drive safely.

Protect your business from disaster with these risk management tips and commercial auto insurance! Contact Chambers & Company Insurance Brokers to get started on the right policy for your business and vehicles.


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