Top Ways to Prevent Slips and Falls This Winter in Your Office

Prevent Slips and Falls

Prevent Slips and Falls

Tis the season to slip and fall, filing a sizeable insurance claim.

Slips, trips, and falls have the potential to be a major cause of injury to people on your premises. As businesses face the liability to uphold safe environments, if your business fails to do so, you could face financial and company strain. The best way for a company to stay safe is to prevent slips and falls this winter.

Over 25,000 slip and fall accidents occur daily within the US, causing the number of hospital visits, bills, and lawsuits to skyrocket. With a business that can be held liable, it’s important to understand where on your premises the greatest potential for danger lies.

Slipping, tripping, or falling can result from slippery surfaces, broken surfaces, uneven walking paths, poorly lit walkways, cables on the floor, ice, water, mud, or wet surfaces.

To protect your business and to ensure that your employees and visitors don’t fall head over heel (literally), use these tips:

  • Do a physical walkthrough of your property daily to inspect paths and surfaces.
  • Design your entrances and walkways to accommodate the expected volume of foot traffic through your business.
  • Light all walkways well.
  • Maintain clean surfaces at all times. Remove any debris or hazards that may be in the way.
  • Provide slip-resistant floor treatments, especially in areas proven to be wet.
  • Place “wet floor” signs to warn the public of the hazard.
  • Ensure entry areas are properly maintained and that mats are secured.
  • Promptly investigate incidents. Document findings should an injury occur.

If someone does end up falling on your property, be sure to document all details, record all victims and witnesses accounts, and report to your insurance agency should charges be pressed.

Does your business have the protection that it needs to protect your finances, business, and visitors? Visit Chambers & Company Insurance Brokers in California to secure your needed commercial insurance.


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