Hacks on How to Make (and Keep!) Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Keep your New Year’s resolutions this year by making the right ones.

Are you keen to reinvent yourself in 2017? While many of us make the same bad habits as we did in the previous years and pick up new ones, we’re always motivated to make resolutions. Traditionally, New Year’s Day is the time to reinvent yourself for the entire year. So that your 2017 is a successful one, here are the top hacks on how to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions.

Only pick one. If you want to change your life or your lifestyle, don’t try to change the whole thing at once. Instead, pick one area of your life to change. If you’re successful with the first change, you can go ahead and make another change.

Set yourself up for success. To ensure that you make a resolution, you’ll need to plan ahead. Read up on what you want to change, whether you go to the library or use the Internet to find the best way to go about doing it. Secondly, get everything ready so things run smoothly. If you’re going to be taking up running, make sure you have the right shoes, attire, route, and music playlist loaded! There should be no excuses.

Anticipate problems. Think ahead and understand the problems that may occur. Then, determine how you can cope with issues so that you can sail past them.

Go for it. Make a commitment and write it down on a card. Keep this card with you or in a place where you see it often for an extra dose of positive reinforcement.

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