Do I Need to File a Police Report After a Car Accident?
Being involved in an auto insurance accident can be scary, especially if you sustained serious injuries. However, even with a minor auto collision, it’s important to get full documentation for your own protection. Even if you think you don’t have much to report, calling the police after a car accident ensures that you have proof that the accident occurred. You may need this if you file an auto insurance claim.
Specialists who handle auto accident cases say that not filing a police report can be a big mistake. It could even be potentially costly if you are the driver who was not at fault in the accident. Not obtaining a police report can significantly affect your ability to obtain reimbursement for the damage to your vehicle and monetary damages for your injury. Protecting this important record by speaking to the police at the scene and providing detailed information about the accident and your injuries will be critical to your claim.
When the police arrive at a car accident scene, they will gather information from both drivers and any witnesses and put that information into a written report. The insurance companies processing the accident claim can use this information as they begin the process of determining which insurer or insurers will pay out to cover repairs.
Not filing a police report could damage your claim. The at-fault party may decide to change his or her story about what happened to present the accident as not their fault. If this does happen, you might end up on the hook for some or all of the damages in a case. As a result, you are looking at higher auto insurance rates.
Work with an auto insurance company that keeps your best interest in mind. When you’re looking for the right car insurance, contact Chambers & Company Insurance Brokers today.