Take care of your house and personal items by disinfecting them often.
While it may seem more productive to read about the coronavirus updates and continue filling your cupboards with canned goods and essentials, but cleaning and sanitizing surfaces in your home can help to lower the chances of you or a loved one contracting the virus. Keeping your home – and yourself – clean and sanitary helps everyone.
The Centers for Disease Control strongly recommends we all take steps to clean and sanitize high-touch surfaces in our homes. To help, we’ve listed a few easy ways to clean and disinfect your property and belongings safely.
Wash your hands – Sure, it’s been said a thousand times and you may hear it a thousand more times, but the best way to lower your risk of contracting Covid-19 is to wash your hands regularly. Get into the habit of washing your hands for at least 20 seconds after you cough, sneeze, touch your face, use the restroom or about to leave one place for another.
Clean and disinfect – Cleaning and disinfecting are two very different things. The CDC recommends we all do a bit of both – even if nobody in your household is sick. Keep a clean home to minimize dust particles and disinfect electronics and high-touch surfaces at least once a day to be safe.
Target your home’s high-touch surfaces – The coronavirus is capable is living on surfaces such as cardboard for 24 hours, but up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. Be sure to disinfect high-touch surfaces in your home daily.
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