Tag Archive for: commercial insurance

Does Your Commercial Property Insurance Cover a Natural Disaster?

Commercial property insurance coverage

As climate change escalates, natural disasters become more frequent and unpredictable. One minute your commercial property is flourishing, and the next, it might be devastated by a flood, earthquake, or hurricane. This raises an important question: does your commercial property insurance cover natural disasters? Let’s delve into this topic and provide some clarity. Natural Disasters Read More

Top Strategies for Shopping for Business Insurance

Strategies for Shopping for Business Insurance

You know you need business insurance. Use this guide to help you get started. Your business faces plenty of threats, from fire and fraud to dishonest employees and discontented customers. Yet, many businesses lack coverage in some of the most critical areas. To refrain from putting your company in undue stress and exposure, shopping for the Read More

How to Control Your Business Vehicle Risk

Reduce Business Vehicle Risk

Train your drivers how to lower the business vehicle risk while on the roads. Many businesses across the nation have some sort of vehicle. Whether it’s a single car, van, or entire fleet or trucks, more and more business are going mobile to reach clients and vendors far and wide. When you do own vehicles Read More

The Basics of Directors & Officers Insurance

Basics Directors & Officers Insurance

What you need to know about Directors & Officers Insurance (D&O). One of the most discussed and least understood insurance products is Directors & Officers Insurance. In short, it is liability insurance that helps to cover defense costs and damages (awards and settlements) arising out of wrongful act allegations and lawsuits brought against an organization’s Read More

How to Improve Transparency in Business

Transparency in Business

Adopting and improving transparency in business is helping companies to succeed. Transparency in business is all the rage these days. It’s all about being open and accountable for your business operations. In today’s society, where employees and customers are expecting more, improving the transparency in your business is not a bad route to follow. In Read More

Three Exposures That Increase Small Business’ Liability

Exposures Small Business’ Liability

Small business’ liability can create further risk. Small business owners are aware of the risks that they take when starting out a business. While many just protect with a bare-bones insurance policy, others are unaware of the liability risks that they face. Certain exposures can increase small business’ liability. To reduce risky behavior at your Read More

Tips to Control Construction Risk Management

Construction Risk Management

Improve construction risk management with these tips. Construction businesses work hard to keep everything running smoothly and seamlessly. From timing to the materials to safety, there is a lot to consider. Construction, in general, is a high-risk industry that needs careful planning and deliverance. Hazards are all around construction sites, and it’s best to learn Read More

Top Ways to Prevent Slips and Falls This Winter in Your Office

Prevent Slips and Falls

Tis the season to slip and fall, filing a sizeable insurance claim. Slips, trips, and falls have the potential to be a major cause of injury to people on your premises. As businesses face the liability to uphold safe environments, if your business fails to do so, you could face financial and company strain. The Read More

5 Effect Ways to Recognize Your Employees

Recognize Your Employees

Boost morale and productivity by implementing ways on how to recognize your employees. Your employees are far more likely to stay with your company if they’re happy, satisfied, and valued. In turn, appreciating employees for stellar work is vital to maintaining morale and boosting productivity. If you want to make the most out of your Read More

Stand Up to Breast Cancer This Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For more than two decades, October has been the designated focal point of all things breast cancer related. This month focuses on raising awareness for women to get screened for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment, along with emphasizing support for those who are living survivors. How will you Read More