Tag Archive for: business owner

Low-Cost Employee Perks That Your Team Will Love!

Low-Cost Employee Benefits

Offering your team these low-cost employee perks can significantly raise office morale. When you first start your business, employee benefits are probably the last thing on your mind. After all, you have to raise enough money to hire the employee to begin. As you grow your business, you’ll face the dilemma of wanting to attract the best Read More

How to: File a Commercial Auto Insurance Claim

File a Commercial Auto Insurance Claim

Find out how to file a commercial auto insurance claim! Whether you own a florist business, cake company, or home delivery service for the elderly, you or your employees may be on the roads every day. No matter how you and your employees use your commercial vehicle or fleet, you could be at risk in Read More

June is National Safety Month! Secure Your Business Insurance

National Safety Month & Business Insurance in Camarillo, CA

Dedicate June, National Safety Month, to updating and maintaining workplace safety and the right business insurance. Workplace safety cannot exist on best practice guidelines and policies alone. A safe working environment is based on how well the people, in both management and offices, uphold these standards. During June, National Safety Month, take the initiative to make Read More

Different Types of Property Coverage for Your Business

Types of Property Coverage

Commercial insurance is broad and there are many different policies. What is best for your business? Business owners may be overwhelmed when deciding on a policy that suits their company, assets, and financial future! Fortunately, we’ve compiled a handy-dandy list that provides an overview of the coverages available to businesses. Commercial Property Insurance: As the Read More

How To: Cut Your Risk of Public Liability Claim

Reduce Your Public Liability Claim Risk CA

Are you doing what you can to reduce your risk of facing a public liability claim? As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Between managing day-to-day operations, preserving your bottom line, and supporting your team, you probably find yourself very busy from the moment you step into the office. The last Read More