How To: Cut Your Risk of Public Liability Claim

Reduce Your Public Liability Claim Risk CA

Reduce Your Public Liability Claim Risk CA

Are you doing what you can to reduce your risk of facing a public liability claim?

As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Between managing day-to-day operations, preserving your bottom line, and supporting your team, you probably find yourself very busy from the moment you step into the office. The last thing you need, then, is another to-do. A public liability claim will not only make you busier, it can also be a serious headache and even become downright financially devastating. Protect your business and the hard work you’ve invested in it! Use these steps to reduce your risk of facing a public liability claim.

Step up your safety.

Slip and fall claims are the most common type of public liability claims. They’re also very avoidable. While putting good safety procedures in place may not feel like it should be your top priority, it’s one of the most important non-revenue earning things you can do. Look at hazards facing your business–from wet walkways to dangerous equipment–and take steps to safeguard against them.

Address incidents.

If there is an accident on your property, deal with it right away. Document the scene, gather statements from the people involved, and do what you can to make immediate reparations. Showing that you care about the incident right when it happens can save you a lawsuit down the road.

Get covered.

We can’t say enough about how important it is that your business carry good liability insurance. Liability coverage isn’t a one-size-fits-all, so take the time to meet with a dedicated insurance agent. They will be able to assess your unique business and provide policies that cover its unique exposures.

This guide will help you slash your risk of facing a public liability claim, but accidents do happen. Having the right liability coverage in place can mean the difference between having a claim being a minor hiccup, or becoming a major catastrophe. To ensure your California business has the commercial insurance it needs, contact Chambers & Company Insurance Brokers today. Our expert team is here to make sure your business has the right types of protection in place.


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